Welcome to Manglik Homeo Clinic (Serving Homoeopathy Since 1940)
To have a successful practice depends on various factors. First of which is happy patient. When the patient will be happy? He will be happy when he is getting comfort, good service and satisfactory results.
As happy patient is the key to a growing practice, as the happy patient will bring in again new patients.Being happy will help the patient with chronic diseases to take correct decision.
If the patients are happy you win. It’s the same with Manglik Homeo clinic…
Manglik Homeo Clinic, an ideal centre for total & safe cure, established around 80 years ago, started by Dr. Jyoti Prasad Manglik in Meerut City in the year 1940. Then, his son Dr. Madan manglik has been running it & now I, Dr. Sachin manglik, (B.H.MS.)
is also running the same clinic since year 2008, i.e. now homoeopathy is running in the third generation in our family so you will get a more expertise treatment in homoeopathy from us

Our Clinic Facilities
We believe in promoting world class scientific Homeopathy. Our clinic is equipped with latest world renowned Homeopathic softwares and provides state-of-art infrastructure.
We, at Manglik Homeo Clinic, have a dream of spreading Homeopathy & Holistic patient care. We also endorse the fundamental right of any patient to know his diseases first and thereafter decide his mode of treatment because even in this 21st Century situation has not changed for the common man, who is either being misguided about the disease or is not informed adequately about his sufferings.
“www.manglikhomeo.com” is an initiative to bring the solutions of various health problems and to specifically throw a light on the contribution of .
Homeopathic treatment of various troublesome cases. The purpose of this website is to make the consultation and homeopathic medicines available to those who believe in nature’s gentle law of healing process as per fundamental laws, considering today’s fast pace of modern life and necessity to deliver the relief to patients promptly.
Before you start taking treatment in homeopathy we request you to read our section of ‘Facts & Myths about homeopathy’ & also directions to explain diseases.
We are offering pure homoeopathic treatment to make Homoeopathy popular
among all classes of community and seen that Homeopathic treatment is not only
useful in chronic diseases but also equally effective in acute conditions & it can avoid surgery in many surgical cases as well. Homeopathic medicines are found to be effective in treating viral diseases as well as in critical conditions. We are treating hereditary disorders also effectively with Homeopathy medicines. Emotional and hormonal imbalance can also be restored by Homeopathic treatment. This is best if started during premenopausal years in females rather than waiting until menopause starts. We have also gained a reputation in treating various pediatric ailments successfully.
- We offer genuine guidance to all patients inquiring homoeopathic treatment.
- We don’t promise or force anybody to opt for treatment.
- We explain limitation of treatment of disease ( if any),
- Depending on the extent & stage of disease.
- We refuse treatment of disease where homoeopathy has no role to play.
( First of all do no harm).
–Hippocrates, Father of Medicine.
– To bring homoeopathy close to mainstream medicine.
– To promote scientific Hahnemannian homoeopathy.
– To give best homoeopathic treatment available to common people in the world
and increase the awareness about Holistic healing touch of Homeopathic treatment.
– To promote Hahnemannian Homoeopathy to the Population so that the people opt Homoeopathy as First line therapy of choice and not as an option.
Helping goodness of Homoeopathy reach millions.