It is the morbidly affected vital vital force ( spirit affected by micro-organism/virus/bacteria) alone that produces disease.
Disease may be defined as dynamic derangement of vital harmony of whole organism manifested first in sphere of sensation (feeling of illness & various unpleasant sensations), then in sphere of functions ( various functional disorders), then in the sphere of material constituents ( fluids, cells, tissues & body organs).
Disease is a morbid disturbance of action of vital force represented by Totality of Symptoms (named as disease) of patient. It is purely a dynamic disturbance of vital powers & functions. The tissue changes are only products of diseases which are not the object of treatment by medication.
When every perceptible symptom of disease/suffering of vital force has been removed, patient is cured.
Cure is “the gentle, rapid & permanent restitution of health in its entire extent, in shortest, most reliable & safest manner”.
Cure of disease (Dr. Hering law of Cure) is a restoration of health beginning at centre with symptoms :-
- disappearing from within outwards,
- spreading outwardly,
- from above downward,
- in reverse order of their appearance, &
- from more important organs to less important organs.
A medicine is applied homeopathically to a sick person
Affect morbidly deranged vital force/spirit of individual through nerves
A stronger, similar, medicinal disease is produced by primary action of medicine removing weaker, natural disease permanently
Vital force/spirit is now merely medicinally disease. This medicinal disease is removed in two ways:
↓ ↓
Medicinal disease gradually Secondary curative
becomes weaker due to minuteness action of vital force
Of dose & shorter & fixed duration ↓
Of medicine Found in homoeopathic
↓ treatment only & is curative
Now vital force is free from both in nature & restores helath
Disease & medicinal force & so permanently
perfect health is restored.
When exact opposite condition of primary
Action is not possible- vital forc indifferentiates
Itself & employ its increased energy to extinct medicinal
disease which gradually decreases & ultimately regains health.
This type of secondary action is known as secondary curative action.