- Who listens attentively to complaints who seek his aid & dosen’t pronounce an opinion without mature reflection.
- Who takes great pains to ascertain truth of all he hears & says.
- Who knows how to give clear information respecting everything that belongs to his art.
- Who prescribes but few medicines in homoeopathy.
- Who dosen’t get angry except when he beholds injustice.
- Who never turns away unmoved from any except flatterers.
- Who is not silent respecting merits of his colleagues; but dosen’t praise himself.
- Who is a friend to order, quiet & beneficence.
– Dr.Samuel Hahnemann
(Father of Homoeopathy)
(Ref: lesser writings)
Furthermore, the homoeopathic physician must be trained, qualified, (5 ½ yrs. Course) B.H.M.S. degree holder from a particular college in our country in order to be treated in safe hands & in order to be cured in a gentle, rapid & permanently way from your respective disease.