Kidney Renal Faliure

This term is used to denote failure of the excretory function of the kidneys, leading to retention of nitrogenous waste products of the metabolism. It is of two types-Acute or chronic renal failure.

Acute renal failure(ARF) refers to a sudden reversible loss of renal function, which develops over a period of days or weeks. It can be due to various causes- commonly uncontrolled blood pressure, chronic urine infection, ureteric stones, benign hypertrophy prostate,urethral stricture, particularly drugs or medicines esp. diuretics, NSAIDs, pain killers, aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamycin,etc.  A history of loin pain, bloody urine, kidney pain/colic, or difficulty in voiding urine suggests the diagnosis. Patients are generally oliguric ( urine volume< 500ml daily), hyperkalemia (plama K+concentration>6 mmol/l), hypocalcaemia, oedema in ankles, below eyes or face with anorexia, nausea and vomiting, confusion, drowsiness, hiccoughs and finally pulmonary oedema may result. Patients with pulmonary oedema usually require dialysis to remove sodium and water. If treatment is given early, renal function will return rapidly but if treatment is ineffective, renal failure becomes established. In patients where dialysis is to be avoided, dietary protein is restricted to about 40g/day. Fortunately, tubular cells of kidney can regenerate and re-form the basement membrane and if the patient is supported during the regeneration phase, kidney function returns. Serum creatinine is the main investigation to diagnose renal failure.

Chronic renal failure(CRF) refers to an irreversible deterioration in renal function which develops usually over a period of years. Eventually loss of excretory, metabolic and excretory functions of the kidney leads to development of complaints of renal failure referred to as uraemia. Important causes are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, polycystic kidney disease, ineffectively treated ARF, etc. Patients may present with complaints such as breathlessness or tiredness, raised blood urea and creatinine, pallor, brown line pigmented nails, itching body, restless legs, bruising easily. Later, hiccoughs, itching, vomiting, fits, drowsiness and coma ensue. Restriction of dietary protein intake delays its progression esp. In non-diabetics.

In Allopathy, Dialysis is recommended to lower down the creatinine if it increases (above 6-7) and raised urea levels relieving the complaints but do not alter the course of the disease. And having little or no impact in suppressing  disease and finally resulting in kidney transplantation.

In MANGLIK HOMEO CLINIC, several patients are treated with the same disease and were continuing allopathic medication and some were on dialysis too, when they reached us.  Now they are not taking any allopathic medicine and now homoeopathic medication is enough to maintain the creatinine and urea levels under a nominal range(<5 usually) not requiring need for a dialysis.



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